Abigail Diane

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Jack David

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

David & Jennifer


Thursday, December 24, 2009

{One Long Month}

So I have been really bad about blogging this month....Jack is 6 months old already...WOW where has the time gone. Back to the past month....It involved lots of Dr. visits and 2 trips to the ER. First, Jack had his "little boy" surgery on November 19, in Peoria at the Children's Hospital. Everything went well with the surgery and it only took about 20 minutes. What a long 40 minutes or so waiting and watching the computer screen to see where Jack was in the surgery process. After wards "Dr. R" came down and said everything went well. I went up to see Jack and nurse him since he wasn't able to eat after 4 am and it was about 9 am. He was a hungry boy. We were moved through the stages of recovery and everything was going well...David left around 1030 to head back to Bloomington for a meeting. They wouldn't let us leave until Jack went to the bathroom, which was finally around 1230 pm. On the way home I was thinking I was so glad that was over and I couldn't even image ever having a sick child and having to go through that all the time. It just makes your heart ache for them. Everything was good until Friday morning. David changed Jack's diaper about 7 am and then left for work around 8 am. Jack starting getting really fussy around 8 am so, I thought maybe he need some ice in his diaper to help with the swelling...Gotta that ready and picked him up and felt that his diaper was really full....I opened it to find bright.....bright red blood everywhere....Runny down his legs...I called David and told him to get home ASAP. I then called the surgeons office and talked to the nurse. I don't think she understood at the beginning how bad he was bleeding....She keep asking me was it blood in the urine and I kept saying NO...He is actively bleeding....David got home and we put Jack in his carseat with only a diaper on....Rushed him to St. Joseph hospital which was a mistake...We should have just gone to Peoria, but we didn't know...That was our first lesson learned. The Emergency Room in Bloomington is not set up to treat babies....They finally got the bleeding stopped and Jack was very very pale and his lips were a little blue. I was talking to Jack's Dr. throughout the whole thing and he was also talking with the ER Dr. and Jack's surgeon....Jack's HG got down to 8.2. Which is low, but not low enough to do a blood transfusion. We were released from the ER around 2 PM, with an appt. to go see Jack's Dr. in the morning. Saturday morning we took Jack to see the Dr. on call in the office...He has been practicing for over 20 years....He looked at Jack and said I am sending you to the ER at the Children's Hospital in Peoria right now. He called the surgeon and explained that he needed to see Jack ASAP. We got to the ER in Peoria and they were ready for us....They are prepared for little ones. They have a Children's ER, which was very nice. Jack's surgeon came down and checked him out...He said Jack had a hematoma, a collection of blood outside a blood vessel. There was a lot of swelling and bruising, which he said would go away in about 2-3 weeks...Which it did. We watched Jack every closely for the next few days, checking on him about every hour to make sure it hadn't starting bleeding again. He seems to be heeled now. We see the surgeon again on Monday, December 29. What an ordeal, something we will remember always and very scary at the time. We thank GOD that Jack is healed and should have no long term problems.

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