Abigail Diane

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Jack David

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

David & Jennifer


Sunday, October 25, 2009

{4 Months Old}

Can you believe it? Jack had his four month Appt. yesterday. He weights 14 lbs. 13 oz and is 25 inches long. He has grown one inch each month since he was born. WOW! He is in the 50% for everything...Doing pretty well. We got some good news....His flat head is doing much better...No helmet needed. Thank goodness. He has started to roll over in the last few days, which has been really fun. Jack is changing so much everyday. He is really beginning to play with toys now. Last week when David picked up Jack from the daycare they said he gave them lots of SMILES today and was holding hands with some of the girls...That made David pretty proud and I said OH NO NOT ALREADY! Jack loves for you to talk to him and he SMILES SUPER BIG and talks right back to you. I feel as if I am having a conversation with him everyday! We are so blessed to have a such a healthy and happy baby!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

{Future Financial Advisor}

Jack & I had a picnic lunch with David at his office. Jack got put to work....His dad can't wait to teach him all about finances. I think this is a super cute picture and one of those moments I was so glad I had the camera.